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In mid-March DI specialists have carried out work on the isolation zone of drilling mud in the well No.103 of the Olympic field.
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Our hydraulic whipstock have a closed hydraulic system . During the running the filling of the drill string provided with the help of overflow valve which operates at the entrance of fluid from the annulus and closes it when pressurizing . Such a valve does not allow to use MWD for the whipstock orientation .
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ИApplication of whipstock with hydraulic anchor for one trip for has enabled drill 5-5/8” sidetrack from 6-5/8” casing. This result was received in exact accordance with the terms of specs for whip stock services on well no. 1083 North Urengoy oilfield. 9179 ft. depth. 47,5 degree zenith angle. Setting of whipstock was done with orientation in azimuth. Received benefit with from reliable long-term partnership is not advantage not only for service companies however also for Customer of complex object - sidetrack track construction.
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In February 2014 it was kept high demand for services and equipment of Drilling Innovation. In the Ural - Volga region in February, our engineers cut windows on 8 wells. On 7 of them the windows were in 5-3/4” & 6-5/8” casings with application of hydraulic anchor whipstock for one trip.
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At the beginning of 2014 the demand for products and services of DI has increased. On the oilfields of Ural foothills region the windows were cut on 7 wells (5-3/4” & 6-5/8” casings). All jobs were successful despite the fact that the temperature was below minus 38 by C. Besides good sales were done for trained clients. 5 sets of 6-5/8 whipstocks were shipped to Gulf Drilling Co. The orders from other customers were fulfilled also
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Our old customer encountered with problem of exit from 7 " casing on Dobrovolsky oilfield. It was decided to cut a window in casing and continue next drilling with 6-1/8” bit. In order to use the cased hole as much as possible the window should was cut at 12729 ft. with orientation at 62 degrees zenith angle.