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In the last days of February "Drilling Innovation" LLC set hydraulic type whipstock in 146 mm production casing at the well № 306-Belozero Chubovskoye field.
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At this time,our team of technologists with the sidetracking team of Eriell Co. conducted a whipstock job in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Сustomer is LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company.
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The drilling contractor received a breakdown of downhole tool in well no. 4 Kovalevsky oilfield, Russia. Afterseveral unsuccessful fishing attempts the technical board of Siberian Service Co. close corporation decided to drill a lateral bore from open hole with application of 9 -5/8 whipstock. After revising submitted proposals from service providers our company was selected as whipstock job provider. Two days later our equipment and technologist were at the well.
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Our company and crew of Otradnensky branch of JSC "SSC" cut the window in the casing.
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On the New Year's Eve the jobs were completed on preparation for shipment of 7” whipstock systems for new foreign Сustomer - ERIELL Corporation s.r.o on the order LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company.
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In the period from 6-th to 10-th December, a joint work with the old customer company SSC CJS for window cutting at the well 877 Muhanovskoе oil field.