Our hydraulic whipstock have a closed hydraulic system . During the running the filling of the drill string provided with the help of overflow valve which operates at the entrance of fluid from the annulus and closes it when pressurizing . Such a valve does not allow to use MWD for the whipstock orientation .

Some Customers request to orient the wedge by MWD. When we use MWD it's needed with high flow rate (400-500 GPM). But after the orientation it's necessary to set the anchor/packer with hydraulic pressure.

Nowdays we solved this problem by developing two systems: ONS (Open Nozzle System) and CVS (Close Valve System). They vary in complexity and cost. Besides these disposable systems , we have developed and MVS (Multi Valvil Systems) , which is installed as a regular sub in the BHA. Under the " whipstock products" you can see the animation of these systems.