Presentation in UAE,
Presentation in Mexico,
AOG Exhibition, 2013,
In ADCO office,
In PedEx company office, 2015,
Services for orientation,
Services on Yamal
Meeting with Stockholm Precision Tool,
Spain, 2013
APOGE Exhibition, 2013,
Test jobs,
Services in Libya,
Window cutting on shelf, 2013,

Integrated solutions in drilling

Our primary mission is to provide the Customers with a full range of engineering support for well construction with application of innovative technologies.

The company’s office is located in Oktyabrsky city, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation Go to contacts

Despite the economic crisis in our country, the constant replenishment of Drilling Innovation’s Customers goes on. One of these customers became a branch of Gazprom Burenie LLC.

In early February Drilling Innovation LLC has shipped the goods produced by Dynamic Drilling Technology LLC to our foreign partners.

Oil production in the Samara province conducted from 1936 and the province is a major oil region, with well-developed oil and petrochemical industry. For nearly 80 years of commercial production the fields in Samara province were developed for more than 70%. Sidetracking is one of the ways to increase oil production. Now the construction of wells with side tracks covers half of the fields in the province.

Comprehensive readiness for any accidents on the well marks out our technologist Marat Murtazin. Relatively recently joined to our team Marat became one of the professionals. So this time, the weather on the well of Kolganskoe field did not please us.

Launched well count was continued on in our native Tatarstan. Meter of fresh snowdrifts were not a problem to our technologist Irek Fattakhov to deliver equipment to the well in time. Our experienced technologist went to the well with our new marketing expert to forward his knowledge and skills and it gave him strength.

New Year is the family holiday which meets with family and old friends. However the drilling continues, despite the holidays. In this year such luck dropped to our technologist Aydar Shakirov. And it becomes a tradition in our company.