On September 6th, 2012 at well no. 18, Krivolukskoe field the technologists of Drilling Innovations LLC jointly with the crew Siberian Service Company JSC set BS-146-02 whipstock at a 9012 ft (2147 m) depth. This modification of the whipstock has a special device for pressing of concave to casing. This design is applicable for vertical wells with zenith angles in the interval of window cutting less than 3.5 degrees. Orientation of whipstock was done with MIG-42 gyroscopic inclinometer. According to cement logging cement was absent in window cutting interval. That is why the cement was injected in behind-the-casing space. After cement hardening and drilling of cement plug the drilling team began the drilling of second hole through the cutout window.

The next window was cut on well no. 805, Kudinovskoe field. As on previous well, here the zenith angle was less than 3.5 degrees, so was used BS – 146- 02 whipstock with pressing device. Orientation was conducted by same tool. The BHA for next drilling (4-31/64 “ (123.8 mm) tricone bit, stabilizer, motor and gyro) have been passed through the window without any stuckings.