After a successful presentation, we signed new Contract for supplying of whipstock equipment to South-East Asia.

In March, the Drilling Innovation Company entered into a new contract with reliable Partners for the supply of equipment to North America.

At the beginning of the April we shipped the equipment for drilling completion to our near abroad customer's base.

In the period from 20th to 28th February, Drilling innovation's specialists carried out window cutting operations for new Customer.

The “window” was cut in a non-standard 8 5/8" casing with inclination 89 degrees at a depth about 5000m by using hydraulic whipstock KLEN HA 8 5/8".

At the beginning of march equipment for window cutting in in 168mm casing was shipped to the near abroad.

Two sets of Whipstock with hydraulic anchor KLEN HA 6 5/8 were shipped to our new Customers from near abroad.